Crime always happens to somebody else, not you. That's usually what everyone thinks way down deep. But of course, this is not always the case. It was July 7th, outside of Phillie, in a little town called Jeffersonville. The Hodge household was getting ready for a good night's sleep. Brian, Steve and Benji were already fast asleep and Ron and I were closing up things for the night. Afterwards, we jumped in bed and marveled how we didn't even need the window unit air conditioner this night. It was the only one in the house and we usually closed our door to keep at least one bedroom cool. The kids could bring in their sleeping bags, if they couldn't sleep with only a fan in their rooms. Not using this AC was highly unusual for the normal uncomfortable-humid July night.
As we settled down, Ron jumped up to put the floor fan on instead, as Hodges are used to sleeping with a gentle “purrrr" going on somewhere in the room. And a few minutes later, for some reason, the fan started making this rattling-noise, so Ron got up once more and turned it off! No air conditioner or fan to lull him to sleep! Finally, we settled ourselves with just the windows open and the gentle breeze flowing in. Everything was still.
Sleep finally came and was much needed after a busy day raising three active boys and a full day of work for Ron. Even so, around three AM I awoke with a start! My heart was racing. I had had a horrible dream! So horrific, it made me sit right up, wide-eyed, in bed. I dreamt that Ron had some sort of disease that was terminal. My adrenaline was running in full-gear and my heart beat double-quick. After a minute or so, slowly coming to my senses, I calmed down, laid down and reached over to kiss a sleeping Ron. I quickly thanked the Lord that this was only a bad nightmare, nothing more. I pulled at our comforter, arranging it carefully over us, as it was a little cool by time. For some reason, I did not go into each of the boys’ room to make sure they were covered well as this was a nightly routine for me, but not tonight.
I laid there waiting for my heart to calm itself, when I heard the slightest creak in the floor down the hallway near the boys rooms. Now usually, there is one of the kids waking up trying to find the bathroom in the middle of each night. My routine was to ask who was up to make sure they were awake enough to find the bathroom. So I yawned and called out, “Okay, who's
up? “ Usually the boys would say, ‘It’s just me, Mom. I’m awake.’ But this time there was no response. Normally, I would have jumped up and help them find the bathroom if there was no response. But not tonight.
Then I heard the creak again. I was beginning to get a little irritated now and called out with a teacher’s voice this time, “Who's up?” Still no response. Still I did not get up.
I thought to myself that this bad dream must have rattled me so that I was imagining things. Then I heard a “thump, thump, thump” of something moving down our long set of stairs in a rather big hurry. They were heavy steps with the sound of change rattling in a pocket. Immediately, I thought to myself....what is Brian doing with change in his jammie's? Then it slowly dawned on me that the thumps were made by someone a lot heavier than Brian. It takes a couple of seconds to realize that someone of that size was upstairs walking around in your bedrooms! At this point of realization, I went into “command-mode” and jumped over Ron's sleeping body and ran to the front window wondering if in my fear, my scream would come out. Briefly, I considered what happens if this is nothing more than my imagination. I will be so embarrassed tomorrow. Regardless, out came the largest cry of help you have ever heard.
And to this day I can’t believe what was sitting at the bottom of our short driveway! A police car with the interior lights on so I could see the policeman! Amazing! How could that be? The Lord knew I probably wouldn't have been able to dial 911 anyway, as I was so shook up.
The next minute was played out in slow motion in my mind, but really happened quite quickly. Ron was fully awake by now, but I was literally holding him back from going downstairs. I begged him to stay upstairs until the police officer was at the door as I surmised whoever was downstairs was quite heavy, so must be very big. Ron would be in danger then. I also began to check on the boys and everyone was still sleeping, except Benji, as he heard me scream. I gathered him in my arms.
Within seconds there were loud knocks on the front door. At this time, Ron made his way downstairs to let the police in! I stayed upstairs with the boys walking around in a weird stunned- daze. I couldn’t comprehend that the inner sanctity of our home was intruded upon! You hear of people breaking in to steal, but not so much about robbers coming upstairs. All this was running through my head with unbelief, as I was listening to Ron and the policeman thoroughly searching downstairs and through the garage.
After about ten minutes, I heard them talking more calmly and I realized the “coast must be clear,” so I came down the stairs gingerly. Presently, more policeman came in and started to look again just in case they missed something. All to no avail. I just stood there with Benji in my arms watching, stunned. Brian and Steve still slept through all the commotion.
The policemen then went outside for a detailed hunt through the neighborhood. They observed how the intruder had stolen two benches from our neighbors lawn furniture, and stacked them haphazardly on top of each other and crawled into our dining room window, which we had inadvertently left open. My purse sat there on the dining room table like a proud hen….. untouched.
Soon the police said they had looked everywhere possible and that they were leaving the neighborhood and would send someone over for fingerprinting soon. We were advised to just go back to sleep for it was still dark. RIGHT! My eyes were as wide as an owl’s by now and I was “on-duty!”, full alert. Ron put his arms around me and promptly went right back to sleep! Men!
An hour or so later, the sun started to come up and I heard the police cars coming back. I went downstairs to let them in and Ron followed me, sleepily. They announced proudly that they had captured the intruder!! My heart lightened, I was so relieved to put it plainly. Come to find out, they had left one policeman hiding in the bushes after appearing to leave the neighborhood. He was watching for the intruder to come out of the woods near our house. And that is just what happened! The intruder, it seemed had drugs on him and was high when he was caught. As I listened to all the details, I busied myself scrambling up some eggs and bacon for the policemen, as we all stood around talking. I asked innocently, “ But, Officer, why didn’t this man take my purse sitting right there on the table?”
They paused and said, “ Mrs. Hodge, we didn’t want to alarm you but this intruder is not that kind of burglar. His intent was to hurt someone sexually.” I froze. They continued, “We have staked out this man’s apartment over and over again, for years now, trying to catch him after one of his trysts. He does his dastardly deed right after he turns on all the lights on the first floor of wherever he goes. All your lights were on too. It is kind of his identifying mark. He probably was looking for a girl’s bedroom when you heard him. “

Do we ever think that we have the promise of Him watching over us? Or do we rest on the fact that we live in a good neighborhood, or have good locks and double bolts, or a guard dog, or better yet, a home security system. We may not be spared going through some of the worse that life can send our way, but God can give us the power to face it. Since this day, I marvel on God’s protection and how God can keep us from terrible situations such as this.
Later in the day, I took a walk around the block with the kids to the cul-de-sac right behind our house. A neighbor, who I never had formerly met, came out of his house to meet me as the whole neighborhood had heard about it by noon. He said, “Mrs. Hodge, I have to tell you this. Once a night, I usually have to get up to use the facilities and I usually do my business and hurry back to bed. But last night, for some reason, I looked out the window and there was a van parked in the street. I watched as a man in a full dressed suit got out of the van and walked behind the house, across the street, straight towards your house. I thought to myself, he has a hot date or he is up to no good; so I decided to call the police. I didn’t have a good feeling. I never have called the police before, but something prompted me to pick up the phone.” Another evidence of our guardian angel, protecting us! Thank you, Lord.
From that moment on, anyone who stopped and talked with us heard the story from me how God was guarding us this night. Just think of all the factors that the Lord engineered to keep us from this evil.
Yes, in this imperfect, sinful world, men like these sow their terrible criminal deeds, ruining their victims for a lifetime. As a result of this man being caught that evening, a new mug shot was taken and the young victims, were able to identify him clearly now. Fingerprints were collected and matched and he was sent to prison for 13 years. But alas sadly, this man has already finished serving his 13 years for harming over 15+ young girls and young adults. He is once again living back in society.
But I am here to testify, no matter what the danger….If you make the LORD your refuge, If you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home, For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. ……….Psalm 91
For the angel of the LORD is a guard. He surrounds and defends all who fear Him. Psalm 34
I didn’t run out and buy a huge dog or even have a security system put in…… like I honestly was considering when it first happened. I just focused on the facts of the night. There are no consciences with Him. Each occurrence that happened this night was a “God-thing!” I am convinced!
Praise be to God!